The 13th Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Myology will be held in Turkey in 2018, organised by Prof. Haluk Topaloglu.
During the Gala dinner of the 13th Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Myology the 2018 Gaetano Conte Prizes will be assigned for basic and clinical research.
The 16th AIM Congress was held in Lecce from 8 to 11 June 2016. Over 100 scientific contributions were selected by the AIM Board and presented as Oral Communications or Posters.
The Congress was attended by over 200 members and it has been characterized by a high scientific profile and a variety of the topics ranging from the latest knowledge on pathophysiology to molecular pathogenic mechanisms, novel diagnostic methods and advanced therapeutic perspectives.
An interesting joint meeting between AIM and Associations of Italian Dieticians (ADI) also took place. It has allowed to start a cooperation between the two scientific Associations for a more effective and standardized approach to the nutritional problems of patients with neuromuscular diseases.
Great interest was raised by the talks of internationally renowned experts as Frédérique Magdiniér (Marseille), Antoine Muchir (Paris) and Massimo Zeviani (Cambridge) who shared with the participants their experience in their respective fields of research.
The usual meeting with the Associations of patients has been very useful to better define the demands and the needs of care of patients. AIM has always had special attention to the cultural exchange with the associations of patients. AIM members attended the Congresses of Parent Project, Italian Association of Glycogenoses (AIG), Mitocon and UILDM (Italian Musculr Dystrophy Association); collaborative working relationship with Famiglie SMA, ASAMSI, Laminopathy and sarcoglycanopathy Associations, Myotonic Dystrophy Association and the novel Coordination of Associations for Neuromuscular Diseases (CAMN) have been activated.
Collaborations have also been made with various scientific societies such as the Italian Society of Rheumatology (joint event on inflammatory myopathies at the Congress SIR 2016), the Societies of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, SIRN and SIMFER, the Italian Association of Neuropsychology (SINP) and the Forum Risk Management-Tuscany Region with the aim of drafting guidelines / recommendations in patients with neuromuscular diseases.
AIM has worked as a scientific hub for maintaining and developing collaborative networks involving different neuromuscular centers in Italy. AIM affiliated collaborative networks include Registry for Mitochondrial diseases, Registry for Myotonic Dystrophy, Registry for Muscle Glycogenoses, Group of Study for Pompe Disease, Laminopathies Network, LGMD networks and others.
AIM had its own space within the Italian Neurology Society Congress which was held in Venice 22 to 25 October 2016. A workshop entitled “Myopathies and Multisystem Disease” and the training course “BRAIN DM1: Neuroimaging and rehabilitation “ were held during the congress. As part of the training course “Emergencies in Neurology”, AIM speakers discussed about neuromuscular diseases.
On 4th March 2017 AIM will organize the first National Day for Neuromuscular Diseases that will take place throughout the national territory and will involve many AIM centers. You will find more info on the AIM website at
The 2017 Congress of AIM will take place in the beautiful setting of Syracuse, Sicily from May 31 to June 3, 2017. Topics will include innovations in diagnostic technologies, therapies, disease registries, biobanks, physical activity and muscle diseases and muscle aging; yet will be discussed collaborative scientific projects, relations between myology reference centers, institutions and patient organizations. Details for the registration to the Congress and hotel booking will be available shortly on the website of AIM as well as the preliminary program and deadline for submission of abstracts.
On the AIM website it is possible to consult the more recent guidelines in neuromuscular disease’s management and a list of the upcoming scientific events sponsored by the Association.
The 21st International WMS Congress was held in Granada, Spain from 4th to 8th October, 2016.
The Congress was held in the traditional WMS format with three selected topics. One day of the symposium was dedicated to each of the selected topics addressing emerging discoveries in the field of: 1) Structural myopathies and diseases of the sarcomere; 2) Adult onset myopathies: hereditary and acquired; 3) Advances in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders.
The 22nd International WMS Congress will be held in Saint Malo (France) from 3 to 7 October 2017. The symposium will be held in the traditional format with 3 selected topics:
1. Excitation-contraction coupling: basic aspects and related disorders.
2. Extra-muscular manifestations in NMD.
3. Advances in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders.
Contributions will also be welcome on new advances across the neuromuscular field.